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B.B Discussion Board Posts

These discussion board posts display a list of forums within my course. A forum is where you can discuss a topic or a group of related topics. My professor gave us many and these are all of mine, including the description of what I needed to do. Click on the link next to the paper plane icon to view my work.




Literacy Narrative Analysis

Description: Now that you’ve completed the outside readings (Alexie & Baca) and assigned sections in Norton on Rhetorical Situations/Literacy Narratives, select two (2) of the narratives to analyze. In 4-6 paragraphs, respond via a new thread to your narratives of choice, analyzing the rhetorical situations using the terminology in the textbook and covered in class. Conclude with an explanation of why these essays resonated with you and include a memorable quote from one, explaining its significance to the work and to you.

  Literacy Narrative Analysis


Poetic Analysis

Description: Now that you’ve read “Poetry and Politics” from the Poetry Society of America Conference (2000) and the selected excerpts from Erica Hunt’s A Local History, please respond with 2-3 paragraphs analyzing the poetics of a selected Hunt poem that resonates with you, and responds to some of the points discussed at the conference. Be sure to use literary terminology from both topic and composition courses, and explain the significance of your connection to this work. The analysis should speak to both form and content, as well identify some of the theories Hunt critiques in her work. Use quotations from the text to support your analysis.

  Poetic Analysis


Poetic Analysis revision

Description: Revise your Poetic Analysis paper

  Poetic Analysis Revision


Literary Analysis of Wide Sargasso & Jane Eyre Excerpts

Description: Now that you’ve read the excerpts from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (JE) and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys (WSS), please respond with 3-4 paragraphs to one of the following questions. Include quotations from the text to support your analysis. I chose question #3: Discuss how class and wealth or Empire, Colony, and the “British Gaze” function in the excerpts from both WSS and JE.

  Literary Analysis of WS & JE Excerpts


Final Discussion Board Post

Description: 1. Write two additional Pass The Mic/Journal entries on (Choose Your Own/Response to article/current event/course reading or assignment) (Free write length is 7-10 mins. each)

  Final Discussion